If you’ve ever # untagged yourself from a picture because you feel self-conscious about your smile, you’re amongst the 48% of people who have done so, according to a recent study. Many people feel worried about the way their teeth look when they smile, and often refuse to be in photographs or untag themselves for this reason. There are many ways to address a smile that you are not happy with, so you do not have to continue to avoid pictures of yourself! You can talk to us at Pearl Dental Clinic - Dubai about the options, and we will help you to make the best choices. Procedures that we may recommend include: Porcelain veneers Dental crowns Whitening procedures Tooth restorations Our suggestions will vary according to your personal situation. You may wish to reshape your teeth, close spaces or replace silver fillings with more natural looking options, and we can help you to achieve the smile you have always wanted. We at Pearl Dental ...