An ice cold drink during Ramadan’s iftar time is refreshing but for many people with sensitive teeth this experience can cause a painful jolt. Dental experts say this situation is as a result of an underlying problem that can be handled; unfortunately many people do not know how to take control.
To maintain the health of sensitive teeth during Ramadan and prevent feeling pain, follow the following tips:
Drink plenty of water at dawn and #Iftar
Water has many benefits for the body especially during fasting. Adequate water intake can ensure the body hydrated and the body's metabolism stay balanced. In addition, drinking plenty of #water can prevent dry mouth during fasting. Water can help the production of #saliva and tooth sensitivity remains protected.
Routine #brush your teeth at least twice a day
Although #food consumption is reduced during fasting, brushing twice a day should not be abandoned. Always brush your teeth after a meal and before bed to clean of residual food stuck. Brush gently in a circular motion. Do not forget to use a soft brush and special #toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
Consult your dentist
We believe that everyone can have a healthy #smile for life and with our help it's easier than you think!
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